Yes, it's that time of year again: Back to School time! For a lot of us moms that is a bittersweet time. While it is nice to have a break from our sweet children for part of the day, it is also with sadness that we watch them start another school year, as it means they are growing up so fast. For some of you, your little ones aren 't so little, but young adults going off to college. Now that is bittersweet. It probably seems like just yesterday you were watching them go off to Kindergarten on a bus, or you were dropping them off at the school and waiting anxiously for them to get home. Some of you don't get that break from your children, as you are their teacher. For those of us who homeschool, each new school year brings a little more work into our lives as we juggle another role: teacher.
No matter where you are as a mom, back to school time is quite exciting in its own way. We like to cheer our children on as they start a new year of new experiences. We are their biggest cheerleaders, and they need that so badly. So here are a few ways to make their year special.
1. How about a beautifully covered notebook for writing down their assignments. Our 5x5 and onboard journals are great for this.
2. How about a triple clip onboard clipboard to have in their rooms for hanging up important notes, assignments, etc.
3. How about stamping a quick and easy pencil holder for them? This one here used no stamps, just the Notations paper and Little Reminders accent and element tin.
4. Little 3x3 notecards with cute stamped images to put in their lunch boxes or backpacks to let them know you are thinking of them.
5. Hand stamped stationary for writing letter home or to their friends.
6. gift card holders are great for sending those much appreciated gift cards for movies, phone calls, eating out, and other fun things.
7. How about some small food mixes that they can just add hot water to for soup, or a few ingredients that allow them to bake a cake in a cup, or other treats wrapped up in a cello bag or put in a pretty tin with some stamped embellishments.
If any of these things sound like they are for you, contact me and I can either assist you in making these items for yourself, or I can make them for you. Back to school time is fun and special. And stamping can make it more special and creative. Stay tuned for samples of these items to appear here with this post.