I made this "corsage" for the baby shower I am helping to give this weekend. I think it turned out okay. This way Amanda can keep it, and there are no flowers to get rid of, and it was a lot less expensive. I will post a picture of the adorable centerpiece that was made for the shower in lieu of a cake. I am making the desserts for the shower, but asked if I could please not have to make a baby shower cake. I really dislike making all those different colored icings on a cake hardly anyone will eat, as cake just doesn't go over well. So I wanted to make some more gourmet, bite sized desserts instead. Well Beth made this darling centerpiece that looks like a tiered cake out of baby receiving blankets wrapped around diapers. It is soooo cute.
I used Baby Talk (it's retiring folks), Riveting, prima flowers, Sarah paper, ribbons, rich regals colored brads, and coluzzle cutting system to make this.
Oh, in case you are curious about the desserts I made, here is a list:
lemon butter bars, tropical lime coconut kisses, madelines (brown sugar pecan, orange, chocolate chip, chocolate/kahlua), italian espresso cups, chocolate tart shells fillled with either a white chocolate and rasp. cheesecake filling or peanutbutter cheesecake filling, and Viennese chocolate walnut bars. Yummy!!! I am loving getting to make something gourmet that you can't find at the local store. We have no good bakeries in this town and very few cake makers who actually make things from scratch using no cake mixes. Yes, I am a pastry snob, but when you are a professionally trained pastry chef, you know there is a big difference quality wise between using a mix and actually using fresh butter, eggs, flour, sugar, vanilla, etc. A whole different pastry realm.. Too many restaurants and grocery bakeries cut costs and quality by not doing this. Okay I didn't mean to get on my soap box. Just too many people these days don't know the difference. And yes, I did grow up on Betty Crocker and Duncan Hines, and I like them, but that was before I learned how to do it better.
I want your recipes. I am drooling!!!!! Oh and I love the corsage and all the baby stuff too.
Super cute!! I want to copy your idea :)
How did you make this? Did you use like card stock or something?
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